Our values
The Elsewhere association and Here, a recognized association of general interest, aims to highlight and bring together the peoples of the Caribbean and the rest of the world, through culture, customs, art which translates into a joint artistic project.
This anchoring is necessary but is absolutely not a barrier. On the contrary, it is about opening up to the world to discover cultural or historical similarities or parallels.
We can be the same and so different at the same time. We have so much to tell each other through everything that builds us, everything that makes us us and therefore through history.
We really like the little Hasidic story that will follow because it corresponds to the values that we defend.
"The stork loves its own so much that it has been called Hasida, which means love. Why then, we ask a rabbi, is she among the unclean animals? Because, replies the rabbi, she only dispenses her love to her own and not to others. "